About us
A long tradition of language training in further education Our Institute was established in 1945 under its original name of the Städtische Sprachenschule, or Municipal Language School. It was integrated into the city’s vocational education system in 1974 as a Berufsfachschule, or vocational training college. The Fachakademie, a specialist training academy, was added in 1979. The years since then have witnessed a progressive expansion of our teaching programmes, always with an express regard for the specific vocational requirements of a united Europe.
Specializing in qualified training for foreign-language careers Acquiring linguistic competence to meet occupational needs and learning specialisms to be successful nationally and internationally: The FIM offers a comprehensive and up-to-date range of choices to young people and adults who are interested in modern foreign languages. |
Publicly financed Our Institute is Bavaria’s only publicly-run training establishment for foreign-language careers. We are part Munich state capital’s system of municipal vocational training facilities, and responsible to the city’s Schools Department. The inspectorate is in the hands of the Upper Bavarian government.
Multi-culturally organized 50 per cent of the teachers on our staff come from English-, French or Spanish-speaking parts of the world, while the student body is a cornucopia of nationalities. We all understand that our everyday dealings with one another should be characterized by the values of intercultural dialogue, tolerance and sincerity.
Excellence in teaching for more than 75 years
State-recognised training
Excellence label Erasmus+
International staff
Non-fee-paying courses
Individual and job-oriented
Institute management
Renate Klar
School principal
Gerhard Klaus
Assistant to the School Principal
Anna Bennett-Long
Staff member in the Institute management
Heads of department
Martina Wiegand
Head of English
Christine Oldenburg
Head of French
Melanie Michaelis
Head of Spanish
Our Staff
Half of our teaching body speak English, French or Spanish as their native languages.
They work with their German colleagues to provide language and communications training.
A good number of our staff have themselves university or state qualifications as translators or interpreters, some of them working as such on a freelance basis and thus able in the classroom to bridge the gap between the requirements of the working world and those of examinations and teaching syllabuses. The teaching provided is technically competent and aimed at encouraging our students to work independently.
Teaching staff